Saturday, July 12, 2014


I have noticed you took down (or hid) the FB page you had for our daughter. That's a good thing since all it had on it were lies about how everything really happened.

I really want you to know I forgive you. I just want what you have, which is the opportunity to give our daughter my unconditional love.

I really feel you are just being selfish by keeping her away from knowing her brothers, and her "real" father that loves her more than life.

Please reach out to me via email, or whatever means that makes you comfortable so we can work this out. Emily is 6 years old now; me and her brothers haven't had the chance to celebrate one birthday with her, or even see her for the past 5 years.

Think about the kids... you have nothing to fear, as you are in another country, you have a husband to protect you from harm, and everyone knows all about me, the lies are so invalid these days it would be best for you to come forward and communicate with me. All this would only benefit the children, as well as yourself.

I will get all charges dropped so you can come back to the US and allow all the kids to be a family. You will also be able to bring your new daughter to the states so your family can meet her too.

Both of our families are continually being deprived of their human rights by you keeping Emily in Costa Rica. It's time you realize that you talk about following God, but do you really think he is smiling down upon you for doing the exact opposite of what he would command of you?

Yes, I have forgiven you, as I know in the end you will be judged by a much higher power. So at this point I pray for your soul. I hope you can change your ways and focus on the real prize, which is the happiness of "all" the children, not you or me.

Please consider my plea...

We all miss and love Emily. My goal is simply to just be her daddy, show her love, and provide a future for her. We can work together on this.

Thank you,


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