Saturday, July 12, 2014


I have noticed you took down (or hid) the FB page you had for our daughter. That's a good thing since all it had on it were lies about how everything really happened.

I really want you to know I forgive you. I just want what you have, which is the opportunity to give our daughter my unconditional love.

I really feel you are just being selfish by keeping her away from knowing her brothers, and her "real" father that loves her more than life.

Please reach out to me via email, or whatever means that makes you comfortable so we can work this out. Emily is 6 years old now; me and her brothers haven't had the chance to celebrate one birthday with her, or even see her for the past 5 years.

Think about the kids... you have nothing to fear, as you are in another country, you have a husband to protect you from harm, and everyone knows all about me, the lies are so invalid these days it would be best for you to come forward and communicate with me. All this would only benefit the children, as well as yourself.

I will get all charges dropped so you can come back to the US and allow all the kids to be a family. You will also be able to bring your new daughter to the states so your family can meet her too.

Both of our families are continually being deprived of their human rights by you keeping Emily in Costa Rica. It's time you realize that you talk about following God, but do you really think he is smiling down upon you for doing the exact opposite of what he would command of you?

Yes, I have forgiven you, as I know in the end you will be judged by a much higher power. So at this point I pray for your soul. I hope you can change your ways and focus on the real prize, which is the happiness of "all" the children, not you or me.

Please consider my plea...

We all miss and love Emily. My goal is simply to just be her daddy, show her love, and provide a future for her. We can work together on this.

Thank you,


Thursday, February 13, 2014

5 Years and nothing...

So I have made it 5 years since my daughter was taken from where she "really" belongs... I mustered through Feb. 2, didn't focus on the negative but on the children I do have in my life, so I remained grateful. I have learned by living in gratitude I feel less pain.

Trina Atwell-Chavarria (wife to Henner Antonio Romero Chavarria) & her family planned the kidnapping 5 months in advance, all the while Trina was telling me, my boys, and her oldest daughter that we were going to get married the coming Summer (as soon as she enforced divorce papers on her estranged husband in Costa Rica). I wonder what kind of sick mind actually plans things out like this and intentionally misleads her own child to believe her lies, just so she can be self-serving in her actions.

You see, Trina at one time admitted to me that if she could've kidnapped her oldest daughter to Costa Rica, she would've done it (yeah, I missed that red flag). I guess she had to figure out a way to fool me, and told me that we were going to a "surprise" family reunion her sister had arranged, but the only thing I didn't know what the surprise was on me, and she was reuniting with her family in Costa Rica without me...

So here we are five years later and she is still claiming the worst on me, but I understand this because if she flounders at all on her "story of abuse" she might as well turn herself into the authorities, as all her supporters would turn their backs on helping to shield her from any legal consequences any more. So now, she has had another daughter, which makes three... all from different men, and she is "still" a fugitive on the run (she'll say different of course, that she is in Costa Rica to "protect" Emily from me).

I have included a link of her incredible Facebook page where she shares her horrific story of the abuse I put her through -

I have never had to defend myself from the accusations she has made against me 1. Because she never had a stitch of evidence to substantiate her claims 2. Nobody on the planet will confirm I was ever the type of person she describes 3. Just through my daily "actions" I disprove her on a regular basis, now and before she committed the crime of "Child Abduction." 4. She has proven in the past 5 years that nothing she says is true, or I would have otherwise lost any & all support I continue to gain in the fight against the crime she committed.

One day the "real" truth will surface, and I will still be standing in the same place, and she might be sadly standing behind cold iron bars... The legal system doesn't "forget" that you acted in a felonious manner and remove penalties, in fact it's the opposite... the longer you run the worse it gets.

In all this time I have never lashed out at her, ridiculed her, but really just tell it how it is... if I did anything but that, I would be immediately attacked by her fellow child abductors, hung out to dry, and made a mockery of publicly for slipping up... trust me, they tried to dig REAL DEEP to find dirt on me, and guess what... clean as a whistle, because if they had found ANYTHING on me, they would have exploited it to the fullest.

I think my next BLOG might just expose the people that helped her plan the kidnapping from start to finish, just so you might better be aware of who you might be doing business with, and re-think who you want to be in your life...  They will say they only have the best interests of the children in mind, but the truth is all they care about is the person in the mirror. Period.

Ranting and raving... oh yeah, and still feeling the pain of not being in my daughter's life.

Yours truly,

Roy Koyama

Saturday, January 18, 2014

On the run forever, or would you like to come home...?


I will do whatever it takes to get all warrants dropped on you, but it's gonna take substantial movement on your end. What I mean is, first letting the boys talk/skype with Emily, then getting me back in her life so she knows her "real" father. If/when you do this on a regular basis, I will show the authorities that you are finally working with me.

Click here:
Interpol Wanted List

Click here:
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children

Click here:
Felony Warrant in Missouri - Case# 0931-CR00898 TRINA ATWELL-CHAVARRIA

As you may or may not know, you are still wanted here in Missouri, where your warrant has gone past 120 days (over 4 years actually) and it is punishable by 60 years in prison. They will look at how you have erased me from Emily's life, taking away her rights as well as mine.

You have violated both of our human rights to know each other as father & daughter. All I want is what is best for "our" daughter, which is giving her me and her brothers unconditional love.

Do you really want your new daughter to have to grow up in this type of shadow you cast internationally? I hope you don't...

Reach out to me... I will never give up, and my next step is going to be a big one, and you know I can accomplish what most can't, as I proved when I represented myself in the Hague Trail and won.

Take the right step this year and give all three of your daughters a good life, not just the one you think is best for you. The great thing too, is that you will be able to return to the U.S. and see your oldest, as well as your entire family.

What do you think??? My email hasn't changed...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

May this be a wonderful new year for all left behind parents and the like... Our children deserve the best of having both parents in their lives, and we can only pray that the taking parent will wake up one day and realize just how much they have taken from the child they claim to love and want to protect.

Last year was one of accomplishments for me... I represented myself Pro Se in the local circuit courts to modify a current custody order pertaining to my two boys (older brothers of Emily from a different mother), and I have gained more parental rights. Their mother and I came to an agreement in order to keep the matter from affecting our children more than it had to. So now I have more rights "on paper" to insure I get more quality time with my boys.

What I hope and pray for every day is to gain the same rights to Emily... Here is a question to lead into the new year for Trina. If I was able to gain more parental rights to the boys, then how can you still stand by your claims you have made against me? Don't you think if I was close to being the monster you make me out to be, that I would be denied in every aspect to gain even more parental rights to innocent children, or will your default answer be... "he just knows how to work the court systems."

I know you just had another baby girl... congrats for bringing another life into the world under your care. I pray she has more of a chance to stay innocent than that of "our" daughter. Emily's life will never be normal because of what you have done, and continue to do. Yes the truth is that you still have felony warrants for your arrest, and wanted by Interpol too. The sad thing is you at one time wanted to work things out in order to get the criminal charges dropped because you thought Emily was going to be sent home (yes, home to the United States), but once you accomplished having a secret trial to have the order overruled, you simply turned your back on me completely never allowing me and the boys to know her in any capacity.

I take some responsibility in all of this because I "chose" to be with you, wanted to start a family, and thought we would be together forever no matter what. Funny thing is I never knew about your second identity until it was too late.

I call what is going on a sick form of child abuse, but in your circles it's called "protecting" her from harm... One more question: If I am this harmful person, then why do the boys love me so much, how did I become a trusted Den Leader for Cub Scouts, why does the school system allow me to be a volunteer, how did I pass the extensive background check to become a coach for the local school systems, and lastly, why do you not have one shred of proof to substantiate your claims? We all know the answer, it's because you made it all up to cover your tracks. Period.

It's been over 4 years now and Emily deserves to know us... This year I will be coming to see her one way or another through legal means, since you will go to your default accusations. Please consider taking the step in the right direction towards me, since now that you are building another family, you can't go into hiding anymore...  Keep in mind that every day Left Behind Parents are becoming more well known, our stories are making news, and laws are being created.

I hope this is a new year that can be celebrated by all.

This post might feel like I am attacking your character, but let's be honest... all I am doing is telling the truth, no more, no less.

Prove to the world that you are the mother you claim to be, and let our daughter have a full life and not make her wait until she is 18 years old to leave you and never look back as other kidnapping victims have told me that is what they did to the taking parent. You will put her in a situation where she will have to chose to leave her little sister just to see what you took her away from, and that will not be fair to our little angel.

Think of all the kids... maybe you can change. I pray you do.