Bring Emily Back Home...: This fund raiser will assist to help pay for raising legal fees associated with the overturning of the court order that was granted with a proceeding in which I was never served or made aware of that stayed the only deportation order in Costa Rica.
I have the only return/deportation order given in the country of Costa Rica, and still can't get her home.
WHAT I RAISE WILL BE MATCHED BY an individual person (not wanting their name mentioned due to sercurity reasons).
The REAL goal is to reach approximately $6,000 through this fundraiser to get what is needed for all the services, including the retrun of my daughter from Costa Rica back to the United States.
David Goldman had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it looks like I can do this for just under the original $20,000 I was trying to raise.
Please give just $10.00 and this will add up quickly.
We've been close before.
I am not in the financial position to fight the good fight, just able to fight the only fight I can. I am trying to raise funds to get my daughter back to the USA.
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