Sunday, December 30, 2012

Thank God for you...

Just a reminder... I have no idea where I would be without the unconditional love and support of my friends and family. 

When this all went down a few years ago, I was lost in a deep sea of depression, luckily my family and friends pulled me out before it was too late. 

Thank God for all of you!

I honestly feel like nothing is impossible these days, nothing. I also feel like I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. What a great feeling to have confidence that I am stronger every day because of the roads I've traveled.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Dear Trina...

Dear Trina,
It has been a long time since I've seen our daughter. You have done a good job of erasing me, substituting me, and slandering my name. I am forgive you for all you have done, said, and things unknown to me. What I would like to do is make arrangements to have you return to the USA with all warrants dropped, give you custody so we can share visitation, and help you to have both of your daughters in your life, as well as allow Emily to know her big sister and brothers on a personal level.

This is an opportunity I believe you should take. There are new resources allowed to Left-Behind-Parents that, if I were to utilize them, could cause many people more pain. I do not want this for you, or them... As I said before, I forgive you. Don't take my forgiveness as weakness, instead, look at it as a blessing to give you a second chance at life in the USA with no consequences.

Our daughter deserves everything, as do our other children. I beg you to be the hero and come back without duress, and amicably. You are a smart woman, and I have a head on my shoulders that works, so I know we can work things out to both of our satisfaction. We both want the best for "our" daughter, I have experience from previously abducted children, and the future doesn't look good for Emily, or your relationship with her as she gains more knowledge of what has occurred.

You have tried to replace me with the so-called husband you tell everyone you are with in Costa Rica, the same one you told me is a crook and alcoholic... He appears to simply be a pawn for your quest, and will fade quickly from Emily's memory when she is near me. I am studying Spanish to help me better to communicate with our daughter, as I have learned her primary language is Spanish, being raised as an only child under the supervision of a Spanish only speaking nanny.

Please remember the "real" truth... you have nothing to fear from me, as you never have. I have hundreds that will testify to my character, how I live a clean life without alcohol or the drugs you accuse me of abusing. I have no criminal record, and to date, you have never provided an ounce of evidence to prove me wrong or unworthy. I will continue to live this way, and will not worry about your accusations. The only people that believe your claims have no idea about who I am, and most likely road your coat tails during our international battle.

Prove to the world you are sincere about being a good mother and take my offer to return... We'll all be waiting, and excited to see you come back. Please come back, Costa Rica is too far for me to travel as much as I would like to see Emily, and her brothers would never get to see her either.

You and only you can make the best decision now...


Emily's "Real" Daddy

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Bring Emily Back Home...

Bring Emily Back Home...: This fund raiser will assist to help pay for raising legal fees associated with the overturning of the court order that was granted with a proceeding in which I was never served or made aware of that stayed the only deportation order in Costa Rica.

I have the only return/deportation order given in the country of Costa Rica, and still can't get her home.

WHAT I RAISE WILL BE MATCHED BY an individual person (not wanting their name mentioned due to sercurity reasons).

The REAL goal is to reach approximately $6,000 through this fundraiser to get what is needed for all the services, including the retrun of my daughter from Costa Rica back to the United States.

David Goldman had to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it looks like I can do this for just under the original $20,000 I was trying to raise.

Please give just $10.00 and this will add up quickly.

We've been close before.

I am not in the financial position to fight the good fight, just able to fight the only fight I can. I am trying to raise funds to get my daughter back to the USA.

Monday, July 30, 2012

And so it continues...

Things are going well... I am getting things accomplished. No more focusing on "anything" else until my baby is in back in my life... everyone/thing else can wait.

My kids always come first, sometimes I get wrapped up thinking other things/people can help me get where I need to be, but I finally realized I am the only person that can "really" do anything about this mess... Please send your prayers, as I have one God to help me, and prayers are a direct line to him... thanks!

Don't get me wrong... I've had and still get the help of some of the most incredible people on this planet. Thank God!
Seeking Emily Facebook Page 

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Emily's 4th Birthday...

Happy Birthday Emily! This is me and your brothers Rhys and Tai singing to you... We miss you and hope to see you soon!

Love always and FOREVER,


Monday, July 2, 2012

Emily will be 4 years old

Me and the boys haven't heard her voice for over 2 years, not one recent picture, and no contact what so ever from anyone regarding her safety. All I know is my baby is living the life of a fugitive in Costa Rica where she is NOT native to the country. She is being raised as an only child with her primary language as Spanish, with the last name of Koyama... Ironic? Well... the last I heard a few months ago is that they (her mother and Emily) were living in a home (no need to mention exact location), and suddenly moved out without giving the landlord notice. She vanished again...

When will Trina own up to the fact she is still a fugitive, making our daughter's life a wreck before she even gets to experience anything? I pray she will take my offer and come back soon...

At one point she offered to work out a deal when she was up against a wall, with the whole world watching... well, she's got the kidnapping blueprints down to a tee, convincing a judge to over-rule an international order. But of course all you need is cash to do that...

So, Trina... you can now have your cake and eat it too if so desired. All I ever cared about is Emily and the best for her. I have realized I have to succumb to your devices if she is to ever have me in her life again. I wonder how well this will set when she gets older? Ask Ken Connelly the author of "Throwing Stones", and a friend of mine. I believe he disagrees with kidnapping, since he was a kidnapped child.

Please try to salvage what you can of your life and allow Emily yo have a full one with all of her REAL family...

Please, I beg you.
 Trina - I will beg to have all charges dropped so you can come back to the USA. The only thing I want, is to see Emily and be a part of her life here in America where she REALLY belongs. Here is your chance to come back.

 I will do what it takes to hold my baby again, and her brothers to love her in person... I want that so bad for all of them, don't you???

 You claim to be a mother that wants the best for Emily, well... here's your chance to give her everything. Her brothers, sister, and a father that will never stop or give up on having her in his life.  Take advantage of this... no more lawyers or politicians as they just make this worse.

 YES I HAVE POSTED THIS FOR THE ENTIRE WORLD TO SEE... Capture your screen shots and submit it to whoever you want. All I care about is my kids, no more court battles, warrants for "your" arrest, and you can stop the lies about me because they won't matter anymore...

 Here's your chance, please take it. I hope you love her as much as I do, and the other kids as well... then I know we'll be seeing Emily soon.

 Her birthday is Thursday, please allow the boys to speak to her like you do for your oldest. They haven't spoken to her in over 3 years and it's not their fault, but they suffer because of it... and don't even think they don't know her birthday is coming up, because they have NEVER forgotten their sister.

The Spanish version

Trina - mendigaré para tener todas las cargas dejadas caer tan puede regresar al EEUU. Lo único que deseo, soy de ver Emily y ser una parte de su vida aquí en América donde pertenece REALMENTE. Aquí está su oportunidad de regresar.

Haré lo que toma para tener mi bebé otra vez, y sus hermanos para adorarla en persona... ¿Deseo que tan malo para todos, hace no usted??

Reclama para ser una madre que desea el mejor para Emily, bien... aquí está su oportunidad de darla todo. Sus hermanos, hermana más vieja, y un padre que nunca parará ni dará por perdido tenerla en su vida.

Aprovéchese de esto... no más abogados ni los políticos como acaban de hacer este peor.

SI HE ANUNCIADO ESTO PARA EL MUNDO ENTERO VER... Capte sus disparos de pantalla y se lo sométase a quienquiera que usted desea.

Todo tengo interés en es mis niños, no más batallas del tribunal, las autorizaciones para "su" arresto, y usted pueden parar las mentiras acerca de mí porque ellos no importarán ya...

Aquí está su oportunidad, por favor lo toma. Espero que la adore tanto como hago, y los otros niños también... entonces sé que veremos Emily pronto.

Sus cumpleaños son el jueves, permiten por favor a los chicos para hablar con ella como usted hace para su más viejo.

Ellos no han hablado con ella en más de 3 años y no son su defecto, pero sufren a causa de ello...

Y hace ni piensa que ellos no saben que sus cumpleaños suben, porque ellos nunca se han olvidado a su hermana.