So I have confirmed that Trina is now pregnant with another child. This will be number three, and another girl. I wonder how this daughter will be raised? Will Trina decide to try and "take" this child from her father, as she wanted to do with her first daughter, and has successfully done with me???
It makes me sad for all the children involved with her in their lives. First her oldest daughter has a mother that has abandoned her before, but as we know children are the most forgiving people. The second daughter, which happens to be my baby girl Emily, gets to grow up as an abducted child known all around the world because of her mother's escapades running from the law in the USA for felonious kidnapping. The unborn daughter already has challenges before coming into the world because of the life her mother has created for her older sisters.
These children deserve the best, and unfortunately their mother will always be out for herself in the end... I can only pray that one day Trina will have compassion towards Emily and allow her to finally get to know her brothers, which I am not even sure if she knows she has anymore. I wonder if Trina has changed Emily's last name to disguise her in Costa Rica as though she actually belongs in the country and not here in the USA with the family that "really" has her best interest in mind?
All the questions I have will eventually be answered, but at whose expense? I can assure you it will never be at Trina's expense.
I plan on naming all the players involved with the kidnapping soon, as it appears they feel untouchable and have triumphed over the law. At the least, I can give them a little more fame by showing their faces, and expose them for who they all are... Child abusers, kidnappers, conspirators, and criminals for allowing a child to be isolated from her family.
Emily... I am sorry this has happened to you. It was, and never will be your fault. Everything your mother has said about me has been made up, because if it were true, she would've never had to leave the country. She just decided to plan out a crime, execute it, and take you prisoner without your consent.
I will love you forever and until the day I die Emily. You will always be my little blue eyed angel.