Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here's one for a good laugh...

Trina actually thinks she is doing good for others by siding with Satan... People need to realize that they are being mislead by a person that is a self proclaimed chameleon that can change and adapt to make anyone believe her... she has used these exact words before when I was with her, which made me think that it's not really a good thing to be like that.  She claims I am a drug user and physically abusive, but there isn't on other person on the planet that backs her up besides the other kidnappers that don't even know me, but what lies Trina shares with them.  She has a sister that is a freelance writer.promoter who knows how to create stories that are believable without a debate or side from the opposition.  I challenge Trina to produce all evidence she has claimed to have against me the past three years, that has NEVER shown up in court... why? Because she has NOTHING! I win every court appearance, not because I can manipulate the Costa Rican Government (which she claims I am doing from the US, and I don't know how I could do that).  Can't intelligent people see what is REALLY going on? I'm frustrated because I found out now that they are trying to slander and defamation of my character, which I will eventually have to handle in Civil Court and find out just how much Judges like what she's doing to my character without a sliver of evidence. Hmmm? Maybe I should start making up things about her??? I don't need to... she does a great job on her own making a fool of herself. I just want my baby girl in the country she belongs with her family that isn't trying to hide her from the rest of Emily's biological family (brothers & sister).

Here's the link for a good laugh... Protecting Emily

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This could be it...

I received a call from the head of the Children's Affair office at the Department of State telling me Emily has been denied refugee status and has been ordered to be immediately returned to the US.  I've heard it before, but this time I feel like it is real and going to happen. There are no more appeals to be done, we've gone all the way with this fight, and now it's time for Emily to get what she has always deserved that was stolen from her when she was abducted against her own will.  It's a shame things had to take this long when it would've been resolved several years ago.  Kidnappers seem to believe that they can prosper against the truth, and the truth is... Kidnapping is a CRIME. I'll be sure to post the details of what happens next when I get the news.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Help needed from all LBP's

I got this email from the DOS today...

Good afternoon!  We have been informed that tomorrow is the next Immigration Tribunal hearing in Emily’s case.  It appears that they will continue to keep the hearings split  in order to adjudicate each case on its own separate merits.  As always, when I am informed of any developments, I will let you know as soon as I can. The embassy has asked me to inquire something of you.  They are wondering if you have a copy of the video from the internet where Ms. Atwell was soliciting donations to keep Emily “safe in Costa Rica” and then Emily was shown on camera at the end?  The video has been removed from the internet, and the embassy was wondering if you had a copy of it saved somewhere. 


Please contact me ASAP if you do...

Thank you and God Bless