Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Great article...

I wanted to share what I found coming from a source I have never contacted, but has shed the light that the Sala IV in Costa Rica has some issues...

The Sala IV: Who Do They Think They Are?

Now here’s a government body with a God complex.
The Sala IV is the end all be all of Costa Rican law. The highest court in all the land. But who are these judges making these all powerful decisions? The reason I ask is because they seem to think their power is strong enough that they can even make decisions that have absolutely nothing to do with Costa Rica. Even go as far as over-ruling Supreme Courts of countries like Canada and the USA.
The Sala IV, which has the task of reviewing government acts or omissions in order to determine their compliance and compatibility with the nation’s constitution, has been sticking their noses in on issues as expansive as the environmental impact of the Crucitas open-pit gold mine in northern Costa Rica, the rights of homosexual couples, hindering police duties by making it unconstitutional to search a vehicle or make someone wear a seatbelt, the opening of the cellular phone market, the terrible state of Costa Rica’s pothole riddled roads and now…now they are even flexing their muscle in to cases not even relating to Costa Ricans let alone the constitution of the country.
Last week we saw the case of a Springfield…YES…Springfield USA in the state of Missouri, girl, born in the USA, whereas her mother Trina Atwell, kidnapped her from her father and fled to Costa Rica over two years ago now. Roy Koyama, the girl’s father, has been fighting in courts back home in Springfield and in Costa Rica, having won all of them…until the Sala IV chimed in.
Up until the Sala IV had the case, two courts ruled the child needed to be return back the US to her father and that the decisions in the US had to be honored here also.
 The Sala IV: Who Do They Think They Are?Then when the all-mighty Sala IV got their hands on the case they made a disturbing decision that goes against any logic – the mother did nothing wrong and she is granted full custody and told that the daughter never has to return to the USA again.
Seriously though…is there a team of monkeys on that panel of judges?
A family of 100% US citizens – one kidnaps the child and runs to Costa Rica (a felony) and looses every legal fight (clearly not an issue for the CR courts) and then the highest court gives the big “finger” to the US courts and all the lower courts that ruled before them and says the unthinkable.
You might think of this as a bit of a rant of sorts but let me tell you something…I’ve experienced them myself.
Two Canadian tourists in Costa Rica. Not legally allowed to work. Not married in Costa Rica but rather back in Canada. An existing Supreme Court filing in Canada for divorce…Costa Rica’s lower family courts do the logical and decide that any assets here are divided equally however anything outside of that is for Canada to deal with (rightfully so). Then comes the Sala.
The Sala gets it and reverses everything and says that they don’t care what the Canadian Supreme Court says about the divorce and even go as far as to try and say that alimony could be claimed. WTF?
And don’t get me started on their math skills – granting 150% of all assets to the woman because…well she’s a woman. Furthermore, ignoring the 3000 page criminal case against her for 5 felony frauds.
Could you imagine a couple Costa Rican’s going to Canada on a vacation and suddenly getting in to a disagreement and one decides to file for divorce in Canada? What if Canada were to weigh in on alimony payments but based on Canadian salaries? And if alimony isn’t paid….jail time baby! That’s right…here in Costa Rica if you don’t pay “pension” you go straight to jail. Not likely…Canada would say…”go home and deal with your problems in your own country.”
I’m curious to know what gives the Sala any right whatsoever to make decisions on non-Costa Rican citizens or cases outside of their country?
Time to clip the Sala’s wings and bring them back to Earth with the rest of us logical thinkers. Minus the hypocrites who love it when it works in their favor but cry wolf when it doesn’t.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

There's a constant learning curve...

Well... I have learned the hard way that I can't rely on International Treaties to work as they are written. 

I am looking at a long drawn out course of events at this point as many other Left Behind Parents deal with on a regular daily basis.  The one and only reason (in my opinion) I am still fighting for the Human Rights of all my children is because I didn't have representation all the way to the end in Costa Rica...  Meaning, I had a great attorney that helped me present my case to the courts in Costa Rica during my Hague Trial, and we won hands down in both countries, at every appearance.  Except one... the last one.  This is the Habeus Corpus trial that I thought was merely another attempt at stalling by the kidnapper and the organization she has formed.  You have to remember, these women (Trina, her sister, and others I'd love to mention but not giving them what they want, exposure) are very good at what they do...  Experts in deception, manipulation, and are self proclaimed chameleons that can adapt and change to suit any environment.  They had the run of the court for the last hearing, also have family that works for the administration with the government in Costa Rica, and could produce any false documents needed (it's easy to do when the country is corrupt and supports corrupt behavior)... This is the reason I don't have Emily back in the US, still being held captive without knowing she is a prisoner yet... 
I say this, because I just can't figure out any other reason a judge would over turn a very black and white case of parental kidnapping and a Hague Deportation Order. If you believe anything other than the facts then you are blind and would rather not hear the truth.  It's been almost 3 years and not one bit of evidence has been put forward, or posted online against me that has any relevance. I know for a fact that if Trina found anything that "could" actually damage my character either her or one of the minions would've been all over it like stink on cow manure.  I'm still waiting on this stuff she claims and has NEVER PROVEN...

I honestly would've given up a long time ago if I was close to being guilty of anything that would make me look bad in public out of fear of losing my boys, and not being able to see them again...  I've been advised by some to just give up now, and let time heal my wounds.  What a crazy idea that is...! I might as well tell my boys that Daddy is a quitter and it's alright to give up on family. NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP!!! and my ex wife supports me in every way because she knows I am a good father to the boys we have together.

I will be a part of Emily's life...  She will eventually know that I never given up on her, and wanted the best for her the entire time.  I've never been given the chance to be her daddy, and that has been stolen from me.  I don't want my daughter to grow up and HATE anyone, but I have a feeling she will make her own decisions as Trina has put it.  I am saddened that she has major decisions to make before she has even grown up.  We can thank Trina for that, since she never had anything to fear in the US but her own skeletons that she was running away from, like she did in her first marriage (the first daughter she never mentions, and has abandoned before, she admitted to me things that would make you puke in your mouth and I won't post). 

The Costa Rican man is the second husband, and I'm the Father of her second daughter  that she had while still married to Henner Antonio Chavarria Romero of San Jose in the County of Tibas in Costa Rica... the man my daughter now calls daddy. I am not pleased with him at all for coming into court during the Hague Trial and testifying that he had no interest in the case or being the father of my daughter, then he turns around after I'm sure Trina manipulated him, starts supporting Trina and became party to the crime.  He is another puppet in Trina's puppet show and doesn't even know it...

We all know Trina left me for a woman, and absconded to Costa Rica with my daughter under false pretense... She thought I would just give up is what she admitted to another party, but then realized I wasn't going to give up, so she had to execute her devious plan to "Keep Trina Safe in Costa Rica". She never had intentions of being with her "husband" of convenience. She uses his status to by into businesses as a United States Citizen bringing trade to Costa Rica... I believe she forgot all her little plots that she told me about, the first time she lived there and that her sister Lynette is married to her puppet, I mean husband's brother... funny thing is that her sister is a very outspoken lesbian, and seems to really not like men at all, except the ones in her family... I'm not passing judgement on anyone or their sexual preference, but I sure don't agree with anyone taking advantage of the system and manipulating it to commit crimes against children and to exploit trade within. Trina and her sister have done just that, they have worked the system in Costa Rica, deceived thousands of people to support her cause, and now has kept my daughter prisoner in a dangerous country for any foreigner as it states in especially in places where only locals live. Trina told me stories of how she was scared to death to go through certain parts of Costa Rica to just get to her job, and now she's dragging my daughter around this as well, and I really don't think things are getting better when it comes to third world country and crimes within those countries.

I try to refrain from calling Costa Rica a third world country, but if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and smells like a duck, well... it's probably a duck! 

I am forced to learn all about international laws, human rights, and all kinds of information I never intended on learning as a part of my life if I ever want to see my daughter again.  I've come to a realization that this is my purpose and I have to help others like myself, and pave the way to getting our children home and not stuck in a country they don't belong.

Here are some options I have been given by the D.O.S. and can be found on their website, thus the only reason I would post it:

I just want to have my baby girl in my life... is that too much to ask? Trina would erase me from her life forever if she could, because she's not shown anything different to date that she actually cares if Emily ever knows me or her brothers, or any of my family for that matter.  If you are a person that agrees a little baby doesn't deserve to have both biological parents/family in their life, you must not have children, and if you do, how would you feel if you weren't guilty of anything (please prove that I am) and still never got to see/speak to your child?  There is NEVER ANY CLOSURE... it is cruel and unusual to do this to anyone.

Send me pics of my baby Trina and I'll post for the world to see that you do want the "best" for her...  I haven't seen a new pic since last year 2010 in July. Now worries about it going any further than my family.

I'm told I may come off as being "crazy" for posting things like this... whatever! I've been through stuff most people would never understand, so give me a little bit of a break. I know other LBP's understand and probably wish I would keep my mouth shut, but all I'm doing is telling the truth, nothing more...

Friday, September 30, 2011

Missouri father fights to get daughter back from Costa Rica

Missouri father fights to get daughter back from Costa Rica

costa rica child custody.jpg

A Missouri father has been fighting to get his 2-year-old daughter back since 2009 when the girl's mother abducted the little girl and moved to Costa Rica. And even though both the Missouri courts and Costa Rican courts have ruled in favor of the father having child custody, the little girl is yet to be returned home.

The story highlights what must be every father's worst nightmare: to have their child abducted and taken to another country, and then having to spend years trying to get her back home.

The case goes back to 2008 when the little girl was born. At the time, the girl's mother was married to another man, and just seven months later decided to flee from the country. Immediately after arriving in Costa Rica, the woman started to claim that she was the physically and sexually abused by the girl's father.

However, since those allegations were made, both the Missouri courts and the Costa Rican courts have found no basis for those claims and have ordered the girl back to live with her father in Missouri, but the mother is failing to comply and instead tried to appeal and now even is even attempting to receive refugee status for herself and her daughter.

At this point, the father's request to have the girl returned home under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction has been approved. The Missouri courts have also issued a warrant for the woman's arrested on international abduction charges. Lastly on Jan. 31 a Costa Rican judge even ordered that the girl be returned to her father.

While this case is surely heartbreaking for this Missouri father, his battle shows the struggle that parents go through when one parent abducts their child and moves out of the country. And while some other countries are signatories on the Hague Convention treaty, there can still be complications in getting a child back to the United States.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why didn't I think of that?!?!

Father says Sala IV court experts never called him

Both the father and Stateside grandparents of Emily Koyama report that they never have been contacted by social workers or psychologists who were given the job of assessing the mental well being of the child for the constitutional court.
A.M. Costa Rica reported Thursday that the Sala IV constitutional court has determined the presumed interests of the child, Emily, are superior to the country’s obligations under the international treaty covering child abductions. According to the treaty, the court of initial jurisdiction is supposed to decide the case.
Roy Koyama, the father who has waged a long battle to bring the child back to the United States said via email that he never was contacted for anything by court representatives. Koyama does have a lawyer here and visits here from Green County, Missouri, frequently.
Tim and Arlene Kennaley, in another email, identified themselves as the grandparents of Emily. “Your courts appear to be unreasonable and not care about the well being of children,” said the email. They live in Mariposa, California.
The Sala IV said in a summary of the decision that social work and psychology professionals had been involved in the case. They were not the only persons who failed to contact Koyama. The Defensoría de los Habitantes filed a habeas corpus action in December to prevent Emily from being returned to her father. A spokesman for the Defensoría said then that his agency had not contacted the Missouri judge in the case. That judge has issued a child kidnapping warrant for the child’s mother. Trina Atwell Chavarría.
The case is complex and full of hearings by various courts. The Sala IV overturned a decision by the Juzgado de Niñez y Adolescencia del Primer Circuito Judicial de San José, the regional family court, ordered May 7, 2010, that the girl be reunited with Koyama. The decision also went against the wishes of the Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería, and the Patronato Nacional de la Infancia.
At one point Koyama purchased plane tickets for himself and Emily in anticipation that she would be allowed to fly to the United States with him. In his email he said that it appear that Costa Rica makes it appear as if it is a safe haven for kidnappers.
In fact there are at least five cases in which judges here took actions contrary to what the international treaty requires. Some of the cases have not been publicized because full details are not available and the parties are not interested in news stories.
At the very least, the treaty requires a judge here to contact the judge who has primary responsibility for the case. Usually that is a U.S. judge. But judges here have not been known to do that and generally decide the case on their own with incomplete information.
That can lead to embarrassment. After Chere Lyn Tomayko received refugee status to avoid extradition to the United States on a child abduction charge, a La Nación article quoted the U.S. judge as saying that much of what was said in Costa Rica was not part of the record in his courtroom. Janina Del Vecchio, the security minister, based her decision to award refugee status on claims of domestic and sexual abuse which the father involved denied repeatedly. But Ms. Del Vecchio never talked to the U.S. judge either.
The grandparents were firm in their email that the case of Emily was one to be decided in the United States. That is very clear under the Hague treaty on international child abductions, they said.
“It is a sad day for the American and Costa Rica citizens,” said the email. “We, as grandparents of Emily Koyama, have received information that the mother, Trina Atwell, has had the highest Costa Rican court reverse all of the lower court rulings of
the Hague Treaty for returning Emily to the United States. We have not seen Emily since she was just born. The mother will not even send us pictures of Emily. We are a very close family and Trina purposely excluded us from Emily’s life. Your courts appear to be unreasonable and not care about the well being of children. They are not conforming to the Hague Treaty.”
Koyama said that the action of Costa Rica’s constitutional court needs to be exposed to the world. “I am looking to expose the government system of Costa Rica to shine the light worldwide that Costa Rica needs punishment for the crime committed recently against all the children around the world that are kidnapped and counting on the Hague Treaty to give them a fair shot at getting justice and how Costa Rica is a very poor example of how things are done correctly.”
The case is not clear cut because Ms. Atwell said that she never was advised of a Green County Court hearing when Koyama was awarded custody. She also claims Koyama is abusive and a drug user. He denies these claims. The couple were engaged when Ms. Atwell lived in the United States, but she was married at the time to a Costa Rican. They were reunited when she came to Costa Rica in 2009.
After Ms. Tomayko received refugee status, the U.S. Embassy here came out with a strong statement. But it has not said anything in public about the Koyama case.
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FYI I've only been to Costa Rica once since I was warned to stay out of that country because I would get arrested on bogus charges made up so they could hold me for as long as they want. Remember this is a corrupt country, and quoting a International Representative he said, "Costa can't operate without being corrupt", which scares me about my daughter's future and safety...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Band of thieves?

Now I am really weary of Costa Rica if this is true...?

I think I just threw up in my mouth!

Latest Update...

Well... a little bit of positive - today I was informed that the Custody order appeal from Trina has been denied for the second time in the local Greene County courts.  This is the same court system where the Judge and Prosecuting Attorney spoke on my behalf and told Trina's Attorney that they both want to see Trina go to prison and if given the chance, they will do everything they can to make it happen... I was blown away when both the Judge and Prosecuting Attorney said this in open court! I kind of smiled inside, but would rather work it out so Emily has what she deserves - everyone in her life, not just mom and a pretend dad.  Her "real" father, her older sister, and her two brothers that have been forgotten by Trina and her supporters.  Look around her posts, they are NEVER mentioned and I'm sure Costa Rica doesn't even know about them, thus the horrible decision saying staying in CR is in Emily's "best" interests... I disagree!!!

btw... I will also be on the local news again in Springfield, MO tonight featuring me and Trina! It should be interesting...

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Emily turned 3 years old July 5th, 2011

My baby girl turned three years old and the mother that claims she never intended to "be gone that long", and told me she wants Emily to know me... well, the last time I heard Emily's voice was when Trina did the video with Emily brainwashed to ask the world to help her mommy... tell me this, what kind of mommy does that to a child for the entire world to see, and record so Emily can be traumatized for the rest of her life, as she may already have that coming if justice doesn't get a move on...

I've missed every single birthday for my daughter, never get to speak to her,

Friday, September 16, 2011

Taking the gloves off!

Ok... I have been extremely patient and had faith the system would work so we can bring home all the other children kidnapped to Costa Rica.  Well, I was wrong... The system in Costa Rica and the United States have not done the job, and now I'm forced to do this on my terms it appears.  I can give up and forget, or I can make some noise now.  Get your ear plugs, because I'm going to make some noise, but keep in mind that everything/word I say is 100% truth and completely backed up with fact.
I've been advised over the past 2 1/2 years to keep off the internet and not post anything too off the wall to make sure to protect my character.  I've slipped a few times and posted stupid stuff out of emotional anguish, and deleted them soon thereafter.  I've NEVER badmouthed Trina or called her names (besides the truth), and have never brought up anything to stir up trouble.  I still won't... I will bring some things to light as I haven't before though. So here we go:

  • Costa Rica has committed a crime by breaking International Laws of the Hague Convention.
  • Trina acts like she doesn't have another child so she doesn't have to answer the questions of why she doesn't have ANY custody of this child.  Funny how the courts of Costa Rica don't even know she has another child that she is indirectly abusing by abandoning her habitually. Meaning, she has left this child before to satisfy her own desire to live in Costa Rica several years ago. 
  • I didn't/don't have legal representation regarding the Habeus Corpus trial in Costa Rica, and only today I was advised by the Department of State that I should hire an attorney to represent me in Costa Rica and that I have little time to do so. This means that the entire trial I would never know if false documents were submitted against me, making it very easy for Trina to make up any type of story she wants to make her case stronger.
  •  Trina has a relative that works for the government in Costa Rica which definitely gives her an inside advantage over me.
  •  I have in her own writing how her own family uses drugs, and she claims I am the drug addict to make her case.
I have many more facts that will blow your mind, but I need to reserve these facts when I go head to head with the Government of Costa Rica...

My theory:
I believe this... Trina has manipulated the court system in Costa Rica to make the country look foolish and ignorant by siding with her and never knowing the truth.  The way it has come out, is the country of Costa Rica is letting the entire world know that it is perfectly fine that EVERYONE (excluding men) can kidnap their children to Costa Rica and as long as you follow our proven system for kidnappers, you'll be safe...  Don't worry because our President is merely a puppet, and our judges just got over puberty so they are being lead by older corrupt officials to make or break laws as needed.  The country is very inexperienced in handling any major decisions, as we can see from the horrible last minute decision made on the deportation of my daughter.
Trina claims she would be damaged because of separation, but Trina not once admits that she just doesn't want to face coming back to kidnapping charges that she know will put her in prison.  She also has a Federal Warrant for her arrest as well, so of course she won't come back, thus making the separation between her and our daughter.  She makes all kinds of claims, but can't ever back them up with any type of evidence...
She never brings up the fact that there are three other children involved and how she agreed to return and has changed her tune several different times, but none of her minions catch anything that has to do with the real truth.  I have fallen to the slander and defamation of character by Trina, her family, and friends.  They just don't realize that everything they post is forever and our children will be able to read this stuff growing up and it can/will affect their future as people... Just imagine our daughter, or my sons growing up and getting to know someone and this person or possibly a career opportunity presents itself and they read the false information online... people will judge our children indirectly because of the horrible things written by people that don't even know me or are a part of the family.  Trina is causing more damage for Emily's future than she can comprehend, and it's my goal to stop this madness from going on with me and other father's being duped.  Like I said before, I've sat back and had faith in a system/s that have failed me, now it's time to show the world what I'm all about.
It's become a time to take off the gloves and go for everyone that has been involved with helping her get away with this crime.  This is just a snowflake falling on the tip of the iceberg when it comes down to what I'm going to do as an individual without the help of our beloved, hard working for the votes, who cares about the children, government...  I realize I can no longer have faith in a system that doesn't believe in my cause.  There are people that work for the government that are incredible, but unfortunately they don't run the place at no fault of their own.  Watch out Costa Rica... you're in for a fight!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Here's one for a good laugh...

Trina actually thinks she is doing good for others by siding with Satan... People need to realize that they are being mislead by a person that is a self proclaimed chameleon that can change and adapt to make anyone believe her... she has used these exact words before when I was with her, which made me think that it's not really a good thing to be like that.  She claims I am a drug user and physically abusive, but there isn't on other person on the planet that backs her up besides the other kidnappers that don't even know me, but what lies Trina shares with them.  She has a sister that is a freelance writer.promoter who knows how to create stories that are believable without a debate or side from the opposition.  I challenge Trina to produce all evidence she has claimed to have against me the past three years, that has NEVER shown up in court... why? Because she has NOTHING! I win every court appearance, not because I can manipulate the Costa Rican Government (which she claims I am doing from the US, and I don't know how I could do that).  Can't intelligent people see what is REALLY going on? I'm frustrated because I found out now that they are trying to slander and defamation of my character, which I will eventually have to handle in Civil Court and find out just how much Judges like what she's doing to my character without a sliver of evidence. Hmmm? Maybe I should start making up things about her??? I don't need to... she does a great job on her own making a fool of herself. I just want my baby girl in the country she belongs with her family that isn't trying to hide her from the rest of Emily's biological family (brothers & sister).

Here's the link for a good laugh... Protecting Emily

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

This could be it...

I received a call from the head of the Children's Affair office at the Department of State telling me Emily has been denied refugee status and has been ordered to be immediately returned to the US.  I've heard it before, but this time I feel like it is real and going to happen. There are no more appeals to be done, we've gone all the way with this fight, and now it's time for Emily to get what she has always deserved that was stolen from her when she was abducted against her own will.  It's a shame things had to take this long when it would've been resolved several years ago.  Kidnappers seem to believe that they can prosper against the truth, and the truth is... Kidnapping is a CRIME. I'll be sure to post the details of what happens next when I get the news.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Help needed from all LBP's

I got this email from the DOS today...

Good afternoon!  We have been informed that tomorrow is the next Immigration Tribunal hearing in Emily’s case.  It appears that they will continue to keep the hearings split  in order to adjudicate each case on its own separate merits.  As always, when I am informed of any developments, I will let you know as soon as I can. The embassy has asked me to inquire something of you.  They are wondering if you have a copy of the video from the internet where Ms. Atwell was soliciting donations to keep Emily “safe in Costa Rica” and then Emily was shown on camera at the end?  The video has been removed from the internet, and the embassy was wondering if you had a copy of it saved somewhere. 


Please contact me ASAP if you do...

Thank you and God Bless

Monday, July 11, 2011

Where have I been?

I've been keeping quite and letting the powers to be do their thing, since I have not an ounce of control anyway.  I just wanted to let everyone know how I am handling this process and the ups and downs of being a LBP.  The feeling of being a LBP for me is one of waking up every morning and having a piece of you missing, but no matter what you have to make it through the day and sometimes overcompensate for the missing piece.  I have found I am more grateful than ever when my children that are with me smile, laugh, and enjoy life.  The small things in life to an adult are the big things in life for kids. Recently I had time to spend with my youngest son and I could see things from his prospective. Enjoy the moment.

I have three wonderful children, and get to spend time with two of them while my daughter is being forced to not know me through no communication with me. I never get pictures of her to keep up to date of what she looks like. I know the Trina has magic jack telephone service, but chooses to never let me speak to my daughter... she says she's reconciled with her "husband", the same one in open court testified to not wanting any part of the child or situation, and they don't reside together (never have).

Supposedly we're at the last stage in this play Trina has been putting on for the past two plus years and I don't think she's going to get good reviews. 

Let everything be God's Will.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

I can't get her out of my mind...

Thanks to a great person I had this video made for the world to see over two years ago when Emily was taken from the United States to the safe haven country for kidnappers, Costa Rica... this video tears me up every time and this crime happens over 100,000 documented times a year or more...

I just want my baby home...

I only have two videos of Emily that Trina didn't (couldn't find) erase when she kidnapped our daughter. I would post them, but not sure how and if you're a friend on Facebook you can see them there.

Why is it taking so long to figure out such a clear cut case that already has been ruled on? I guess the President of Costa Rica will be answering these questions in the next few weeks. Please pray for a good outcome for Emily.

Here's the email from Trina right before she kidnapped Emily...


To Roy Koyama
I read this today from parenting weekly:

The Importance of Father-Child Bonding

A generation ago, fathers were seen primarily as the bread winners, the disciplinarians, and the guy who barbequed out back on summer weekends. But in the past several decades, the role of the father has evolved into a much more nurturing, tender, involved one, and while this is great news for overworked moms, research is showing that an involved father is also crucial to the healthy development of the child. It is, admittedly, much easier for the baby and mother to form an early and deep bond; however, that only means that you need to dig a little deeper and try a little harder to find special ways and moments to show your baby that you love her and you'll always be her daddy. And this Father's Day is the perfect time to start!
James May, founder and Project Director of the National Father's Network, attended a conference at Harvard University where the following question was debated: "Do men make a difference in the lives of children?" May laments, "After three days of intense discussion, the 'results' were inconclusive. Would we ever ask this question about mothers and children? Of course not!" But it is a question that is being asked with greater frequency - often within the framework of studying the social cost of fatherless children, a growing demographic as divorce rates increase and deadbeat dads abound.
Recent studies have suggested that children whose fathers are actively involved with them from birth are more likely to be emotionally secure, confident in exploring their surroundings, have better social connections with peers as they grow older, are less likely to get in trouble at home and at school, and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol. Children with fathers who are nurturing, involved, and playful also turn out to have higher IQs and better linguistic and cognitive capacities.
The way that fathers play with their children can be important as well. Fathers tend to spend more time in playful, physical activities with their children, which researchers believe helps children learn to regulate their emotions and resist the urge to act on aggressive impulses. Fathers also tend to encourage independence and achievement, in contrast to the nurturing and protective nature of mothers, both of which play an important role in a child's healthy development.
Father-child bonding is especially important to young girls. Dr. Obie Clayton, professor of sociology at Morehouse College, explains, "The effect that fathers have on daughters is extremely strong, even more so than for boys. When fathers interact with their daughters, those girls have higher self-esteem and go on to succeed in college." In addition, girls learn from their fathers how they should expect to be treated by men and those with loving, attentive fathers are less likely to end up in violent or unhealthy relationships. According to Phame Camarena, a researcher at Purdue University, "…a good predictor of an adolescent girl's mental health is her relationship with her father."
So while Father's Day is traditionally reserved for bestowing gifts on you, why not make Father's Day a day to honor the important role you play in your child's life by spending the day together. Now is the time, while your baby is new, to make the commitment to bond with him or her on a daily basis. It can make a profound difference in your child's life.


I love you!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Friday, April 8, 2011


This is the best day I've had in a long time...

Yes I am "really" a WATCH DOG DAD and proud of it.  Now it's time for Emily to get to understand and feel my love.

Can you see how happy we are together... Just one third of my kids is missing and soon will be home under the will of God.

I found this to be very interesting reading...

Looks like Trina is spinning her wheels at the same time mentally and emotionally abusing Emily by brainwashing her, like she did in her video begging for money, which she has conveniently erased.

Here's the part that caught my attention:

This category of residency is available to foreigners who are immediate relatives of a Costa Rica citizen.   
1.  Who is an Immediate Relative for Purposes of the Law
 Those who are related in the First Degree with a Costa Rican citizen.  
The law recognizes the following to qualify:  
i.  Parents of Costa Rican citizens, 
ii.  The minor children of a Costa Rican citizen. 
iii.  The children of a Costa Rican citizen that has a disability regardless of age.
 iv.  Minors which are siblings of a Costa Rican citizen or siblings that have a disability of any age.
2.  The Spouse of a Costa Rican Citizen
 The procedure by which a Spouse of a Costa Rican citizen may process residency is one of the significant changes in the new immigration law.
Under Article 73 and 79 (1) of the new immigration law the Spouse of a Costa Rican citizen is no longer allowed to apply for Permanent residency status.  A Spouse must first apply under the Temporary residency category.
This is a response to massive marriage fraud cases that have been uncovered whereby foreigners would pay Costa Rican citizens to marry them in order to obtain permanent residency.
Under the new law the spouse of a Costa Rica citizen will be given Temporary immigration status for one year and renewable for additional one year periods so long as the immigration authorities do not determine that the marriage is a sham.  After 3 years of marriage and with Temporary Residency status then the spouse may apply for Permanent Residency
The applicant must provide the following supporting documentation:
1. Birth Certificate: You must provide a certified copy of your birth certificate and that of your dependents. The certified copy must be sent to the Costa Rican consulate for your jurisdiction for authentication. The consulate charges US$40 for each document to be authenticated. Be advised that the Department of Immigration will not accept any supporting documentation which has not been authenticated by a Costa Rican Consul.
2. Proof of Relationship to Costa Rican Citizen: If you are basing your petition on marriage then you must have a Certified copy of the marriage certificate issued by the Civil Registry.  If you are a parent or sibling to a Costa Rica citizen then provide the Certified birth certificate of the relative.  You must also provide a certified copy of the identification document of the Costa Rican relative.

3. Police Certificate of Good Conduct: This certification is obtained from the police department where you last resided. This certification also needs to be authenticated by a Costa Rican Consulate. Note that this certificates is only valid for 6 months from the date they are issued. If this document expires while you are pulling together the rest of the documentation then you will have to obtain another one.
4. Fingerprints for Interpol Background Check: This step is done in Costa Rica at the Ministry of Public Security. The applicant is finger printed and the fingerprints are run through the Interpol computer index.  
5. Photographs: The application must provide 4 photographs facing towards the front.  
6. Translation of Documents: Once you have compiled all your documentation, all documents which are not in Spanish must be translated to the Spanish language.
7.  Register with the Embassy of your Country of origin.   You must register with your Embassy and provide proof to the Department of Immigration. 

Yes I know how to do research... We are setting up a meeting with the President of Costa Rica in the near future to expose what has been going on in the country of Costa Rica right under the President's nose. I wonder how that response will go over?

Want to learn more about the laws in Costa Rica... here's the link: Costa Rica Laws 

Monday, March 28, 2011

My last post for a while...

I have learned over the past two years with my daughter being kidnapped that I will never be the same person again. In fact I have already noticed the changes. I'm more in tune with my boys and their needs, I have gained more respect for other people and have allowed myself to be a conduit for God to help others in pain.  I want to focus on my God, my children, and family... I can't do much right now for Emily beside what I am already doing, being the best daddy she could ever imagine having when she gets here. Other than that I am blessed for the experience as I have learned many valuable lessons.  Now I just wait for Costa Rica to eventually get to work and bring my daughter home where she will "really" be safe and surrounded with unconditional love, not be raised as an only child by a stranger (a nanny that only speaks Spanish), and she'll see me several hours of the day since I have made my work schedule to fit around my children, not them to fit around mine.  I only get one chance to make the difference in the lives of the innocent, and God has blessed me with the ability to do so.  The average child maybe spends 7 minutes a day of quality time with each parent... an average because of all the broken homes and two houses for kids to live.  Sad times, but it's reality... and the norm.

All of our children deserve the best... what actions are you taking now to be proactive, instead of reactive later in life because you only had 7 minutes a day to give your children? how will they grow up and what values will they have?  That's our responsibility as loving parents...

It's a shame that some people think they can and have the right to do it on their own - they are called KIDNAPPERS

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thank you...

I want to so my gratitude for those of you looking out for me... yes I posted some things and now I have deleted without hesitation since you are right... nothing more needs to be said. 

God Bless you all!

I love you for looking out for me!

Roy Koyama

Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

Keeping quiet...

I have been keeping offline for good reason... but I do want to thank everyone involved with helping us get Emily back to the U.S.

I have been sitting everyday since last Monday wondering why they can just keep my daughter and not simply send her home immediately. The only thing I can figure out is that nobody wants to make any further mistakes, and have to claim liability, but in the process my daughter is being held captive.  I want her sent home now, and the Kidnapper can deal with things the way they are. 

My daughter is the one being traumatized and it makes me very upset that she could be sent home instead of dealing with another minute of being with non-family members caring for her. The one and only reason she is in this place is because her mother made bad choices, and I pray that the courts will correct those choices made and send Emily home this week.

I don't want to say much due to having to watch my words being scrutinized heavily by the opposing party, that can't find anything on me... since there never has been anything there.  So stop spinning windmills and look at the real problem here, it's called "International Parental Child Abduction" and it needs to be addressed if your concerns are solely for children, then your support should focus that direction, instead of how much mud can we sling and just make things messier...

If you are truly for the children, then any right mind would agree that American issues need to be dealt with on American soil...  Things are headed in the right direction, but only because of the guidance along the way...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who really knows what is going to happen?

It seems to me that all authorities are waiting to see what their counterparts are going to do first.  I am in a position where I am curious who isn't embarrassed about how the entire process is being executed and does anyone even answer these questions?
tK said she would come back to the US around Christmas, and here we are going on the end of January, and no other attempts or contacts have been made to provide any type of arrangement of coming back. Instead an appeal brief has been entered here in the US and the writ of Habeus Corpus in Costa Rica....

doesn't sound to open to negotiation to me? 

tK needs to understand I am not in charge of getting the felony dropped or even suspended in the US, but I know I would rather be in a US jail than a Costa Rica jail any day.  Once the Federal warrant is issued then who knows how aggressive things will become in terms of making an example of a kidnapper that runs, hides, then makes demands with disregard toward any judicial system, but only her own agenda. 

I want  my daughter to have a good life, and her mother is laying the groundwork that is creating part of our family legacy. 

We need to resolve this matter swiftly since she is so young and work diligently toward making the experience more like a confusing dream.   Emily has the opportunity to start the healing and changing process in front of her. My question is to her mother, is how long will you wait to begin the inevitable?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Do the right thing....

I just really want to reach out at this point and get our custody case, etc taken care of in the US, I feel like tK is just seeing how she can avoid having to ever come back based from a Facebook post that she would drag this out until Emily is 18 years old.  The best thing now is for her to come back to the US and face what she has to face here instead of getting caught up in the Courts/Prison system in Costa Rica as I'm sure she will not be favorably welcomed by the locals.  Please do the right thing... if you know her, convince her.  just look up travel cautions traveling to Costa Rica if you are Caucasian :  

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A lttle to share but can't say a word...

I am subjected to some type of laryngitis, or something.... where it really hurts bad to speak, so I am going to wait until fully rested and taking notes along the way.  There is nothing exciting or new, but I personally feel optimistic through the Grace of God & His Will...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Living the unknown

Currently I am living the unknown.... before this time, I was living in the fight, but now have appeared to won the fight.  The only thing is as long as my daughter is on foreign soil, my rights are limited on how things are dealt with in the foreign land.  All I have today are my memories of my daughter, pictures of her I get occasionally through resources other than tK.  This entire ordeal has changed all of our lives forever. This impacts not only me and tK, but all the other children, any family members, friends, and potentially future relationships with other people in our lives.

There are times when my heart tells me to be soft and just become emotional over the situation, but God has plans for me and brings me to my feet every time, out of the muck and mire...

Right now during this phase of getting the laws to move forward and provide justice to an almost 2 year crime, I don't know what is happening in CR as their Judicial system resumes next week Monday January 17, 2011 and hopefully we'll see some real quick progress???  I just pray tK turns herself over to return to the US this following week as she had implied she could travel after Christmas.  The time has come to bring our family issues back to the US and shed the light on the entire truth.

I am grateful for all the help and supporters that have gone above and beyond what I could ever imagined. I just sit patiently waiting to hear back from the powers to be since there is nothing further I can do to help. Prayers and hope